The Universe Smiles at Me
The universe smiled at me and waited patiently for me to recognize the gift. A gift of significance called the human body that would allow me to accomplish mind-boggling acts every day. With 206 bones and more than 600 muscles, I am overwhelmed to think about how everything works together most often in harmony. I am heart and soul and brain and muscles and bones. I am.
At last the patience was rewarded and I became thankful for this gift that had been taken for granted and treated as unimportant. Degenerative disc disease creeping up on me while I wasn’t looking in the days when I was sedentary and not caring for this gift. Taking care now in a new and respectful way. Learning the value of the gift physically, mentally, spiritually has started me on a new journey. I have no regrets for starting the journey so late. We can still go far. Perhaps even further because I now recognize the importance.
The universe smiles at me in a different way now as if pleased about where I am on the journey. I am learning how to nurture this gift. So many tools to use for this nurturing and caring. Powerful tools that use physical activities like yoga and walking and so much more. Massage to ease and manage pain, relieve stress, and promote health. Essential oils to support health and wellness without damaging the environment or the body. I have been given a vision of a whole new universe.
“Good morning universe! Thank you angels and thank you heavenly father. I appreciate you giving me this beautiful day. “ These are the words I say to start my days. My mantra. I understand that the universe is waiting to hear what I want. I recognize my power. I am powerful beyond all I imagined. So is everyone and they will realize that as their journey takes them to that understanding. My energy vibrates peace and love and joy. Yoga both physical and spiritual leading me down a path I had never seen before. Yet I see that it was always there. Right in front of me. Meditation and mantras and affirmations leading me to the next step. Writing and singing and dancing and not being afraid of being judged. I feel amazingly free. Who knew this was me?
Thank you, universe, for all of the people you are introducing me to. I can feel your smile. Incredibly gifted human angels leave me feeling humbled to be able to share their space. Writers and seers and coaches so extraordinarily talented that I am sure they have been here before. Healers and medicine women and reiki masters and yogis whom I now call friends leave me in awe of the journey I am on. The universe smiled at me this morning and showed me one of her wonders, called a sunset. The colors so magnificent that you couldn’t imagine recreating on canvas. Ah, but perhaps one day I will try. The journey has only begun.