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Sunday should be a Holiday

Happy Fall from New Mexico! Today was one of those perfect fall days we are lucky enough to experience. Visualize a perfect blue sky and full sunshine and are you ready for this? 70 degrees! I seriously feel like the universe gave me this as a gift today. I love Sundays because it feels like a different pace. Perhaps more thoughtful. Perhaps more looking for and appreciating special moments to last us through the work week. My husband and I have some standard Sunday rituals. Not every Sunday is the same (and I’m happy today did not include Costco ha ha), but there are a few that we stick with whenever possible.

First for me is to start the morning in a yoga class. That is a Sunday morning ritual that feels like the most amazing way to start a new week. Today’s particular class was a yin meditation yoga class led by an Ayurvedic practitioner. She opened the class by singing what she described as an invocation. It was quite special.

Next on the Sunday schedule is breakfast with my husband. Sometimes we go to a restaurant and other times he prepares a feast at home. Oh yes I said feast. Let me tell you, this man can cook. Sometimes his father joins us, but today was just us and we went to one of our favorite little breakfast cafes. Eggs, hash browns, green chile, cheese…..just a plate of yumminess. :) Yoga and then comfort food. What could be better than that?

Our newest addition is taking our puppy to the park. DJ, our 5 month old Golden Retriever, is a handful on the leash (and of course in other ways, too). We are waiting for puppy school but until then he’s gotten to be too much for me to take by myself. My husband and puppy running around the park together just made me feel so happy that I felt a giggle roll up my chest. I think they will both sleep good tonight. There is something about a puppy that brings out the kid in you, don’t you think? I have noticed lately how often I laugh out loud because he is just so darn cute and does the silliest things.

My husband likes to cook on his smoker so dinner is usually cooked on that. Dinner together with a nice glass of wine rounds out the day. During a busy work week there isn’t always time to “dine” together so we try to make Sunday dinner special. I am hoping to end the evening with a Hallmark Christmas movie and I’m sure my husband will be all about football. How do we solve this massive dilemma? I watch Hallmark inside and my husband watches the game on the patio. Nice, right? We can see each other from our respective seats and take turns “visiting” during commercials.

I hope you have found some special moments today. Maybe you’ll take time to spoil yourself in some little way next Sunday. Do you have any Sunday rituals you want to share? One of my favorite quotes “every day of your life is a special occasion” comes to mind. Imagine if we treated Sunday like a personal holiday. Give yourself the gift of starting your week with appreciation for those little moments. You deserve it. Happy Sunday!

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