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Take a Break from the World with Nature

Isn’t it wonderful to get outside? I don’t know how else to express it other than to say that nature heals. This weekend I had the opportunity to do a little weekend getaway. What a treat to drive two hours to our favorite lake, set up our fifth wheel camper, and sit by a campfire before bed time.

I must say I was also feeling very blessed to be able to do this in February! I’m not saying it was capris or shorts weather mind you, but it was lovely to be out in the sunshine. Vitamin D just makes you feel so much better doesn’t it?

There are moments when I’m outside that I just have to stop and embrace what nature has to offer. The wind kissing your skin just enough to give you cause to sigh. The sunshine warming your face and perhaps your soul. A sense of renewal envelops me at these moments.

Since we arrived late on Friday, we waited until Saturday to drive down to the beach. Just being near the water seems to be relaxing to me. Living in New Mexico and finding water and a beach is quite an accomplishment as you can imagine. We sat on the tail gate of the truck one afternoon and just enjoyed watching the water. The waves and the sunlight hitting it just so it seemed to sparkle. The ducks and geese making their sounds added to the ambience and it was as if being in a symphony of nature. After a while, the water and sound seem transcendental to me. Being caught in the moment and you lose track of time. Do you ever do that? I feel like that is a gift, the losing yourself in these moments.

After enjoying the water and sand and dinner, we pulled our chairs near a campfire my husband had built. For me, it was a welcome respite from the chill in the air. Another chance to sit and reflect. Watching the flames seems to again let the world slip away. As I am falling into the mindful awareness of the fire, I hear the children in the next campground calling out “can we do s’mores with you”? I laugh and say “of course, come on over”.

By the end of the weekend, a sense of release and rejuvenation emerges. I feel thankful for these times. Its easy to get caught up in life and stress and all of the craziness and not take time for moments of reflection and the feeling of losing track of time.

I came home feeling renewed and reminded that it doesn’t have to be a weekend get away. Nature is right outside every day! Sounds silly, I know, but do you think we take it for granted? Taking a walk at lunch or sitting outside for 5 minutes and just “being” could be part of every day. Just being. Feeling the sun, the wind, the sounds and letting them soothe you. Could you see yourself taking 5 minutes for yourself this week? I love this quote and hope it speaks to you too... claim yourself!

“Just feel the magic in the air and the power in the breeze, feel the energy of the plants, the bushes and the trees, let yourself be surrounded by nature at it’s best, claim yourself, focus and let magic do the rest.” -Sally Walker

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