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Not just about the Dip

Did you have fun on Super Bowl Sunday! First thing, I will confess that I am not a football person. Hopefully you aren’t judging me and we can still be friends. My husband enjoys it and I support whatever team he is watching but on my own…..nope not putting it on. That being said, I‘m just like everyone else when it comes to Super Bowl. Its time to make a bunch of food and invite people over. Okay, yes it’s all about the food and the commercials and the people you are with!

In years past, when my sis and I were both divorced, we would have a Super Bowl party sometimes with just the two of us. We made tons of food and yes we had lots of leftovers. We had so much fun making the food and sharing the kitchen. Fresh salsa, spinach dip, veggie trays, lots of chopping. One particularly memorable time, my sis had the idea that we would do a shot of some type of alcohol whenever someone scored during the game to make it more “fun”. Well by half time, there was no score. Ok, so here is where things went wrong. The new plan for the second half was that we would do a shot whenever there was an animal in a commercial. Right? Every stinking commercial. This was also the year that since we were bored with the first half, we started throwing our own flags on calls we made up. By the end of the game, the living room floor was covered with Kleenex! Actually quite creative and fun and we still do that part. No more shots.

This year we had a small group including my sister and our neighbors and some of their family. My husband spent part of the day outside in the beautiful New Mexico sun smoking some ribs. My sister brought loaded potato skins and deviled eggs. I put together a cheese and olive tray, along with an assorted fruit tray. Good grief. I should probably stop right here so you don’t think I’m crazy. Working in the kitchen together and preparing for a gathering is a way of bonding, don’t you think? Its easy to get caught up in all the chopping.

But to keep things honest about the menu, I will confess to a couple of dips as well. I mean its all about the finger food right? I, of course, made green chili dip because I live in New Mexico and green chili is our favorite thing. Since I wanted to make a black bean dip too and was out of sour cream (used it all in the green chili dip), I found a recipe on the internet using cream cheese.

The recipe called for cream cheese, black beans, jar of salsa, and cheese. Directions are to throw in the oven until its all melty and pure yumminess (recipe from Easy breezy, my favorite. Since I was down to half a jar of salsa, I used the ½ jar of salsa and added some green chili sauce. My sis and the neighbors both asked for the recipe! The day was apparently not about healthy food. The day was about working in the kitchen with my partner, preparing for a gathering, “ breaking bread” with friends and family. It was a memorable Super Bowl because of anticipating and sharing and bonding with special people. The game was crazy wasn’t it?

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