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A New Connection

“Your greatest self has been waiting your whole life; don’t make it wait any longer.” Dr. Steve Maraboli

I get so excited talking about wellness! Does that seem weird? Maybe it is but it took me a long time to get here. I’m excited to share what I am learning about building a wellness toolbox. In that toolbox, I see spirituality, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, essential oils, tea, positivity, and more. Me, I’m vegetarian, gluten free, passionate about wellness! Sound scary?

I wasn’t always this person. My day used to begin with a stop at the gas station for a 32 ounce diet soda and a pack of mini chocolate donuts. Lunch time found me out to refill the 32 ouncer and find some fast food. Ok, are you ready for the next piece? I smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day. Yes, now you know. There was no yoga or meditation in my life. Although I did drink hot tea on occasion. Maybe I get points for that? Ha ha.

My evolution into wellness didn’t happen overnight nor at first was it intentional. Pieces started coming together until I recognized that I was becoming a new me. A new person who started realizing I was in charge of myself by my choices!

Today is our beginning. Our connection. I believe we were already connected but hadn’t yet “met”. I feel our strength together already.

Connect with me. Connect with yourself and your spirit and your body. Together we can support each other’s journey and empower our lives. Don’t you think its always easier together?

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