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Out with the old, in with the new

A vision board. Well that’s just genius. I can hear you laughing. It is true, I’m a late bloomer. I know I’ve heard of them and even seen them. But today it hit me that it would be a great way for me to move forward. I mean the question really is simply, “what do you want”? Simply. Right?

Recently I was invited to participate in a 10 day challenge for the new year (The Aroma Couture Self-Love Health Challenge.) I am just overwhelmed with all the healthy and inspiring ideas and tools that people are sharing. One, of course, is the vision board.

There are actually quite a few websites about vision boards. Who knew? “Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do, or have in your life.” See what I mean? Genius.

Specifics is the key here. Maybe you’ve heard the words “tell the universe what you want and be specific.” How many of us think we are being specific? If you sit down to work on a vision board, you will realize you were not being specific.

Huffington Post even writes about these boards, “Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do.” According to the popular book The Secret, “The law of attraction is forming your entire life experience and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe.” Wow. Jack Canfield advises that you should find pictures that represent or symbolize the experiences, feelings, and possessions you want to attract into your life, and place them on your board.

Still not sure what to put on a board? Start with words, quotes, affirmations that start with “I am”, art that you or your child created, pictures, souvenirs, even lists. Put things on your board that affect the way you want to feel not just what you want to have. Remember that the vision board is a work in progress. It will be evolving just as you are.

What do you make a vision board out of? Well there are lots of choices. For some, having a physical “board” that they can look at on their desk or wall is most helpful. A white board with markers and magnets or a cork bulletin board works well. A wall in your office with framed images and quotes can become your vision board. For more ideas, check out sites like Pinterest. A desk top “board” on your computer might work best for you, and I think there are even apps available (of course, right?) I am going to start with a physical board and go from there. Once its completed, I may recreate it electronically so it can “go” with me.

The key is having the vision board available to you daily. Make a commitment to focus on your board every day. Say the affirmations or statements out loud. Visualize and be grateful that you have achieved everything on your board. As your commitment and passion for the things on your board lessen, its time to update your board. Are you ready to try something “new” with me?

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